Making sure my daughter has her 5 a day is something that has taken over my life, I honestly don't know what I thought about before I worried about this....constantly.
Packing a newly weaning baby with veggies is super easy, its all mushed up purees after all. It's once they get that little bit older that it becomes tricky. I'll admit it is quite funny when Zara will blow raspberries and screw up that tiny nose of hers, humour aside, how on earth can I get her to eat her greens?!
You can only imagine my excitement one morning when a super cute package arrived on my doorstep. Piccolo's new vegetable pouches have sprouted! Something I have never thought about before, but all other pouches always seem to have some form of fruit with them. Great for sweet taste and will no doubt be finished in seconds. Would these all veg pouches become a new favourite of my toddler?
I must say the carrot, sweet potato and squash pouch was used as a post nap snack... and it didn't touch the sides, the other pouch I had an idea in mind to use as part of Zara's lunch, inspired by the recipe card included in the package.
Seeing as she is now 15 months unfortunately one lovely pouch would only fill a hole and not be satisfying meal for an older baby. So with that in mind I got myself a pack of spinach pasta, I use this one. Once all cooked and mashed an avocado and mix the courgette, pea and leek in and create a super green pasta sauce! It was devoured and I could sit back and relax, knowing that Z was full of organic vegetables!
I wasted no time and dashed out to stock up with these wonderful little packets, you can find them in your local Waitrose, I haven't found a flavour Z doesn't like yet! Now my kitchen cupboards are full of opportunities for a healthy snack, or sneaky veggie addition to a meal.
Save to say, my bacon has truly been saved, by a bunch of vegetables.
You can always follow me on snapchat for daily recipes and general baby-ness. I try and be entertaining to watch! jessieconstanti
Have any of you given these a go with your tots yet? Let me know if you gave my super veggie pasta a go!
*The small print:
The products featured in this post were kindly sent to me for try, all the opinions and words were written by yours truly. Thank you to Piccolo for sending them to me, and Zara!
I got a free sample of that, from a freebie site (http://www.fantasticfreebies.co.uk/free-piccolo-baby-food-giveaway/) its really nice, and my little man loved it, seems really healthy too!