Monday, 28 July 2014

Updated Skin Routine

The picture above is of the day I finally realised I was acne free! My skin and I have had a rocky relationship, we both said and done things we didn't mean and at one point I thought we were too far gone to ever get along again! 

I would spend an absolute fortune on dozens of acne fighting creams and all things skin related. None of it worked and if anything, I was over loading my skin with too much product! So I decided to strip it right back to basics. 

Here are a few things I do to tackle my skin and how I have changed around my routine! Enjoy cake lovers xo

1) Diet 

Keep your diet as healthy as you can! Lots of salad and fruit, the natural waters will keep your skin hydrated and glowing 

Take your vitamins! 

Lemon water is a god send! Warm water with fresh lemon to start the day is perfect! If you're lacking in energy first thing in the morning, try a a spoonful of sugar or honey for an extra burst of life.

You're water intake needs to go through the roof! I drink one huge bottle of water a day, cucumber, watermelon and broccoli are great for your skin too!

2) Lifestyle 

The sun is a tricky so and so. Great for your skin to get the odd few rays, but too much will age your skin and make those acne scars even darker! Make sure you protect it from the sun everyday! Slap that SPF on!

We've all been there, one too many shots and in the morning your skin is hating you! I'm not telling you all to go T total, but just brace yourself for your skin to freak! You will know you've overdone it at the weekend from looking at where the blemishes and spots appear on your face. If they are based mainly on your forehead that is telling you that excessive drinking has given your liver a battering. If you notice acne on your cheeks that is usually respiratory problems, those drunken cigs in other words. The main part to remember is to always, always, always remove your makeup, no matter how badly you want to pass out face down on your pillow!

3) Skin Care 

This is amazing stuff! My skin feels squeaky clean every time I use it. What you need to focus on is C.T.M Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise. Do this every morning and bed time, find products with as little chemicals in as possible and you are good to go!

Not just for baby bottoms! Sudacream is gentle and works! Acne treatments shouldn't sting your face, if they do that means there is too much Alcohol in them! Remember, as natural as possible is the key! 

This product is like the second coming of Christ! Its a little pricey yes, but you can do what I did and pay it off monthly! There are no words to describe how this has changed my skin! Love it!!

4) Dare to Bare 

Give that cake a miss 2-3 days of the week if your skin is being slightly argumentative, it will thank you for it later on. 

Finally, don't let it all get you down, I know its easier said then done but it will pass I promise! 

Stay beautiful my lovelies xo 

twitter @roguelipstick
instagram @roguelipstick 

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