Friday, 19 February 2016


Early morning wake up calls from my six month old alarm clock has left me with no time to get myself 'made up'. With this in mind I set out to find a nighttime routine that will leave my skin looking some what presentable with or without the war paint. 

I wanted to give my skin a total revamp and decided on some products I have had my eye on for a while, the first being Pixi Glow Tonic. Packed to the brim with natural goodies, such as ginseng, witch hazel and aloe, all of which work together to gradually diminish signs of sun damage, fine lines and other imperfections. Now I thought that was asking a lot from such a reasonably priced product (it's only £18!) but my goodness has it transformed my skin. Dark marks from acne scarring have faded so much I actually have the courage to step out the door makeup free. As for the glow it gives you, well, even the boyfriend says he can see a difference when I use it before climbing into bed. 

So, let's quickly run through my nighttime routine so far. First the St. Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub to shift all that daily dirt, next remove eye and remaining face makeup with the Garnier Cleansing Micellar Water (check out my review). Once I'm cleansed on with the Pixi Glow, just a couple drops on a cotton pad that I then sweep across my face. 

Cleansed, toned, now on to some magic.... of the Egyptian kind that is.... 

I got a sample of Egyptian Magic Skin Cream a few years back, in all honesty I didn't really appreciate it, I was sill battling acne and considered this balm too greasy to use. How wrong I was, if anything, it actually helps fight any blemishes that are threatening to surface! Of course, now my skin has become a tad more dry I love how it make my skin so hydrated and plump. I tend to apply it generously around my face and down my neck, the all natural ingredients really give the skin a boost and made a real difference. By morning, my skin looks radiant, hydrated and rested, and there's Cleo thinking her secret was yack's milk... 

After the Magic Cream I apply Clarins Eye Contour Balm. I found myself totally eye cream-less a few months back and was foolish enough to think I could carry on without getting any more. Well, the crows feet that appeared were simply terrifying and have been working with this new cream since Christmas. Those nasty, deep set grooves have become so fine I don't even say my usual "oh godddd I look old" whinge anymore. 

Lastly, if any of my loathful enemies of the spot variety try to invade my face I reach for the Mario Badescu Skin Care Drying Lotion. Now, this stuff is mighty strong smelling, but does the trick and by morning the spot is usually so deflated I can conceal it with ease or disappeared entirely. Be sure not to shake it as the sediment at the bottom of the bottle needs to stay put.  

So there you have an updated nighttime routine! Products full of a lot of natural properties that really help hydrate my skin overnight so that in the morning I look fresh faced and not an over tired, haggard mum, which is always a bonus.